Whole Wheat Sugar Cookies (Egg-free)

As part of my quest to find party recipes which are safe for my daughter's friends who have allergies, I tested this egg-free cookie recipe for a Valentine's Day party earlier this year and was blown away by how delicious they were!  Moist, buttery, and just sweet enough.  While not healthy by any stretch, they … Continue reading Whole Wheat Sugar Cookies (Egg-free)

Chocolate or Vanilla Egg-Free Cupcakes with Chocolate Fudge or Vanilla Frosting

As I mentioned in this post about my munchkin's 4th birthday, in order to make the party more enjoyable for the kids there who have food allergies, I used this recipe for egg-free cupcakes, which also happen to be light and moist and delicious.  And best of all, both the cupcakes and frosting are incredibly … Continue reading Chocolate or Vanilla Egg-Free Cupcakes with Chocolate Fudge or Vanilla Frosting

Charoset, kid friendly and nut free!

Those of you who celebrate Passover know that the holiday has its benefits (matzo ball soup!) and drawbacks (how long has this seder been dragging on??).  On the plus side for me is definitely charoset - this sweet apple and walnut mixture comes near the end of the seder, and marks the beginning of the … Continue reading Charoset, kid friendly and nut free!