Whole Wheat Sugar Cookies (Egg-free)

As part of my quest to find party recipes which are safe for my daughter's friends who have allergies, I tested this egg-free cookie recipe for a Valentine's Day party earlier this year and was blown away by how delicious they were!  Moist, buttery, and just sweet enough.  While not healthy by any stretch, they … Continue reading Whole Wheat Sugar Cookies (Egg-free)

Chocolate or Vanilla Egg-Free Cupcakes with Chocolate Fudge or Vanilla Frosting

As I mentioned in this post about my munchkin's 4th birthday, in order to make the party more enjoyable for the kids there who have food allergies, I used this recipe for egg-free cupcakes, which also happen to be light and moist and delicious.  And best of all, both the cupcakes and frosting are incredibly … Continue reading Chocolate or Vanilla Egg-Free Cupcakes with Chocolate Fudge or Vanilla Frosting