Sugar Detox Program

Sugar Cubes in Bag with Heading

After the birth of my third baby left me addicted to sugar and feeling out of control (read my story here!), I designed a sugar detox program based on tons of research.  I tested it out on myself, friends and family before rolling it out to clients, and I can tell you, this program works.  In just 10 days, every participant was able to stop their cravings, establish new habits, and feel good enough to have the motivation to keep on going.  Oh, and that extra weight hanging around?  Yeah, that started to come off too!

Are you ready to get your eating back under control?  If so, sign up below for my 10 Day Sugar Detox Program!

The program includes:

  • Guidelines on how to kick your cravings and get on track to look and feel your best
  • Menu planning and recipe ideas for the duration of the program
  • Grocery shopping guidance to help you find the best products in the store
  • Ongoing support throughout the program, including a private Facebook group for group programs
  • End of program wrap-up to plan next steps and ensure you don’t fall into your old ways
  • Optional extension – if you decide you need additional support after the wrap-up to solidify a new lifestyle, lose weight, and figure out the best foods for you, I can tell you more about my extended program!


  • The program costs $350 for one person, plus $100 for each additional participant (up to $650 for 4 participants)
  • Program can be conducted in person or via phone/skype/e-mail


By submitting your name and e-mail below, I will contact you to set up a FREE 30 minute phone consultation so that we can get to know each other, talk more about the program, and get you signed up.  There is NO obligation to sign up if you change your mind during our conversation, so go ahead and contact me if you want to learn more.  I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


Over the past year I have become more convinced than ever that food, especially sugar, really is addictive.  But I have also witnessed how real, clean food can help us overcome addiction while we transform our bodies, lose unwanted weight, feel our best, and prevent disease.  I hope you’ll join me on my journey towards feeling great!