Homemade Chicken Stock, Two Easy Ways

Store bought chicken stock is one of those products which really irks me.  Even the seemingly good quality ones (organic, free range, low sodium, etc.) have long ingredient lists which include things like "natural chicken flavor" (shouldn't the flavor come from the chicken itself??).  But somehow making homemade stock always seemed like so much effort! … Continue reading Homemade Chicken Stock, Two Easy Ways

Chicken Piccata with Pasta and Arugula Salad

When I was trying to decide what to call this blog, the first thing that came to my mind was "The Lazy Chef."  This is because I am constantly looking for short cuts, taking the most simple recipes and making them even simpler.  Sometime I find easier ways of doing things that don't compromise the … Continue reading Chicken Piccata with Pasta and Arugula Salad